Be Accountable & Lead The World With Our Democratic Values
America can only be successful as a world leader if we act following our values. I’ve fought ferociously for more accountability and transparency in spending dollars abroad, whether we’re talking about the State Department, the Pentagon, or any other federal agency that has a role in advancing and protecting human rights worldwide.
I’ve also taken on corruption at the Pentagon, and I’m leading efforts to expose undue corporate influence in our foreign policy and national security apparatuses — scrutiny that has long been an afterthought in the Senate. And I’m spearheading efforts to address our country’s deadly nuclear legacy in the Marshall Islands, which forced thousands of Marshallese people to seek refuge in Southern California. Pursuing justice is essential to protecting a key international agreement and maintaining America’s economic and military influence in the Pacific.
Key Issues
- Clean Up Corruption
- Empower Workers
- Housing & Homelessness
- Immigration
- Unrig the Economy
- Combat the Climate Crisis
- Health Care
- Education
- Veterans
- Child Care
- Older Americans
- Racial Justice & Freedom for All
- Public Safety & Gun Violence
- Disability Rights
- Abortion Access
- LGBTQIA+ Rights
- Global Leadership